Monday 1 October 2012

Plz avoid divorces.

asalam u alaikum!

our beloved prophet (peace be upon him) :Allah did not make anything lawful more abominable to Him than Divorce. Of all the lawful acts the most detestable to Allah is Divorce.(Sunan Abu dawud: Book #12, Hadith #2172-2173)

childrens of divorced parents also bear the pain of divorce.

Mothers and fathers are important resources for children. They provide emotional support and practical assistance as well as serve as role models for their children.

divorce clearly increases
the risk that children will suffer
from psychological and
behavioral problems. Troubled
children are particularly likely to
develop problems with anger,
disobedience, and rule
violations. School achievement
also can suffer. Other children
become sad for prolonged
periods of time. They may
become depressed, anxious, or
become perhaps overly
responsible kids who end up
caring for their parents instead
of getting cared for by them.

the great majority of
children whose parents divorce
do not develop these kinds of
serious behavioral or emotional
problems. Most children from
divorced families are resilient,
especially when their parents do
a reasonably good job managing
the stress of divorce.

Now a days some brothers and sister do this just for their hate.but they forget about their children.which are the preciouse gift from Allah.

Plz avoid divorces.

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