Monday 24 September 2012


Spiritual Counseling

Spritual Healing


"There is no disease that Allah has sent down, except that He has also sent down its treatment."
The present-day thinkers all agree that previous age was"age of faith"and the present age is the "age of doubt." Our youth is the caught in the cross-fire of ultra-conservatism and the ultra-modernism. To elders conservatism is virtue and to youth it has become vice. The entire universe is conservative only fundamentally and it is changing all the time. The philosophy of change is based on the pursuit for knowledge----to fly on the wings of the knowledge to even greater heights, the quest for discovery and to probe all those resources which are here. Human probing brought technological changes and development which further not only changed the cultural mentality and a great psychological change in focus towards metaphysical and spiritual reality. Today most people think that human being is essentially flesh and bones! Islam does not say this! The Holy Quran declares that the essential human being is a space less and timeless being created in the transcendental world. The human essence is not the material, but spiritual.

In the Islamic worldview everything-----including the heavens and the earth and all that is in between--- is seen as a manifestation of the creative aspect of Allah Almighty to Whom everything living or non-living, submits. At the heart of this is the concept of Tawhid, the Unity of God, embodied in the first part of "Shahada", the testimony of faith. La ilaha illa`Lalah (There is no god but Allah).Everything in Islamic civilization, including the health sciences, has sprung forth from this fundamental statement which is an expression of the transcendence of divine unity. To proclaim that there is no god but Allah is to testify that there is an essential unifying principle behind the apparent multiplicity of the universe which, in Islam, is not restricted to merely the observable and perceptible reality but goes beyond to the realm of the Unseen.
Human personality is composed of the different shell circling the very essence of human being called "Soul". The soul appears as a centre of light in intense motion. Now this intense light is guarded by five shells, the bodily or physical shell, the electronic shell, the psychical shell, the astro-psychical shell and astral shell. Now all these shells are governed by different realties. The bodily shell, when it is sick you use herbs or medicines to treat it. If the electronic shell is sick, electronised medicine and practise like reflexology and Chinese technique of acupuncture are used for healing. The psychiatrist use different techniques to help treating the sickness of psychical shell which applies to the mind only, which in turn is a physical ailment. The psycho-astral shell is governed by certain symbols or by certain letters of alphabets. The astral shell is governed by numbers.

Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Dhahabi in his "Kitab al Tib" ( Book of Medicine) put emphasis on holistic medicine-involving physical, moral, psychological and spiritual aspects of being-is the essence of Islamic medical tradition which traces its foundation to the revealed Book of Allah, the Quran , and to the Hadith, the sayings of the Holy Prophet of Islam.

Scientific research teaches that the process of healing involves the physical as well as the spiritual and psychological domains of human existence. The tradition of spiritual healing in Islam is based on the recognition of the effect of spiritual health on the physical body. The body itself is seen as mere receptacle for the spirit, which alone constitutes the immortal part of human existence. The body is healthy if the spirit is healthy, and the spirit is healthy if it is not in conflict with the Divine Writ. The submission of the spirit to the Divine commandment produces a harmony in the soul and the body which makes all the limbs and the organs function properly.

Prayer can cause recovery from the pain of the heart, stomach, and the intestines. This is because prayer diverts mind from the pain and reduce its feeling, whereby power to repel pain is strengthened. Doctors try all means to strengthen this power-sometimes by feeding some kind of medicine and sometimes by inspiring hope and fear. Now prayer with concentration combines most of these means of benefit, because it at once instills fear, self effacing humility, Love of God and remembrance of last day.

The great Muslim scientist Ibn-eSina or Avicenna honoured in the west with the title of "Prince of Physicians", based his system of Medicine on the equilibrium of the four humors, blood phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. These four humors were then related to the four elements such as fire, air, water and earth of the natural world. Avicenna believed that the human spirit has been constituted with the power of restoring balance in the body, and that the task of medicine is merely to aid this process. The process of regaining health is therefore, greatly facilitated by the use of practices which produce spiritual healing.

The spiritual healing is related to the cosmic orders in the universe through the doctrine of the correspondence between the all levels of reality, the intelligible hierarchy , the heavenly bodies, the order of numbers, the parts of the body, the letters of the alphabets which are the "elements",/i> of the Sacred Book,etc. The seven cervical and the 12 dorsal vertebrae correspond to the seven planets and the 12 signs of Zodiac, as well as to the seven days of the week and the 12 months of the year. The total numbers of the discs of the vertebra, which they consider to be 28, correspond to the letters of the Arabic alphabets and the station of the moon.

The early Sufis or the Islamic spiritual scientist developed the science of "Taawiz". Taawiz is always based on a verse of Holy Quran or sometime on accepted prayer. For the sickness of psycho-astral shell, Taawiz are written in letters of alphabets and for astral shell the numerical value is calculated according to the "Abjad" system. Abjad is the special system in Sufi sciences, in which each alphabet has been assigned with a certain numerical value. After calculating the numerical value of certain Ayyats, or verse of Holy Quran, than that number is divided into 6, 10, 8, or 5. These numbers are written in the special forms or formulas. Sometimes Taawiz are written in squares, triangle and sometimes with different materials. Certain Taawiz are written on specified days, time and sometime by the position of the houses of the planets.

The spiritual medicine of Taawiz is very effective and interesting thing, it not only treat the physical, mental, psychic or spiritual sickness it also strengthens its powers for what has not yet happened, it works like a Tonic. One thing which is very important to remember is that like other medical sciences, this talismanic science is handed over from a teacher to a student. Only those able students who are qualified enough to diagnose the spiritual disease are the spiritual doctors. If an unable person will try to copy the numerical order or copy the shape of the Taawiz and give it to anyone it will not work, and it might be harmful also. This is purely Talismanic and that is the reason that it has not got any copy rights.

Ten Great Suffis Thoughts

There is one God, the Eternal, the Only Being; none else exists save God.

2) There is one Master, the Guiding Spirit of all souls, who constantly leads all followers towards the light.

3) There is one Holy Book, the sacred manuscript of nature, which truly enlightens all readers.

4) There is one Religion, the unswerving progress in the right direction towards the ideal, which fulfils the life's purpose of every soul.

5) There is one Law, the law of Reciprocity, which can be observed by a selfless conscience together with a sense of awakened justice.

6) There is one human Brotherhood, the Brotherhood and Sisterhood which unites the children of earth indiscriminately in the Fatherhood of God.

7) There is one Moral Principle, the love which springs forth from self-denial, and blooms in deeds of beneficence.

8) There is one Object of Praise, the beauty which uplifts the heart of its worshipper through all aspects from the seen to the unseen.

9) There is one Truth, the true knowledge of our being within and without which is the essence of all wisdom.

10) There is one Path, the annihilation of the false ego in the real, which raises the mortal to immortality and in which resides all perfection.

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